
1. A large, popular game called Equus Forever was torn apart by a fight between it’s members. As a result, some of the members broke away from EF and created Horses Forever in 1997, which has far outshone it’s predecessor.
2. Our awesome president of HF, Chelsea, joined soon after HF was founded in the summer of 1997.
3. HF did very well, and gained many members quickly. As can usually happen with a large came, a fight broke out between members within HF. In early 1998, members, including Chelsea, broke away from HF and created another game called Golden Horseshoes.
4. In May/June of 1998 Megan of C&H Ranch joined. C&H eventually becomes the longest open HF stable, with three horses that have been in HF longer than any others; HOF Princess Kostalot (Cougar Rock X Pepsi), HOF Kahara (Khadijra X Zahar’s Honor), and HOF Thunder (Lightning Strikes Once X Bold Virtue).
5. HF was still going strong in 1998 and had quite a few members, not to mention many large stables full of amazing horses. At this time, the very first Hall Of Fame horse, HOF Perfect Image (Cognac Perfection X Fadgali), was crowned the title of earning over 5,000 points.
6. New HF members were given $100,000 to start out in the game and had no limitations on the amount of horses they could create, buy, or own. Horses had to visit the vet every twelve months, the farrier every four to eight weeks, and a mare’s gestation was one month. There was no limit as to what association or registry you could register your horse in, and the Show Association didn’t exist. Over-showing was a common problem, but most members were either uninformed or didn’t care. Even if there had been rules to it, there was no way to enforce them unless each show-holder took it upon themselves.
7. In the beginning of 1999, another large fight broke out within HF. It was literally torn apart, and only two members remained after the fight was over, Alyssa and Megan. Actually, what ended the fight was everyone left to other games, and not that I blame them. At this point, the HF president and vice-president, Anna and Becky, created Equine Esteem. Many of the old HF members moved to EE and started out new. EE was modeled after HF, and was very successful for a long time.
8. Shows and trading of horses were at a standstill in HF. It looked as if HF would not make it, and just be added to the large list of failed SIM games. Alyssa took over as president temporarily and completely remade the HF main site. I say temporarily because she was more involved in another game she played, and wanted to help raise HF from the dead. Alyssa and Megan worked together to advertise HF, revise rules, make it more appealing, and draw more members to it. Some came and played for awhile, then disappeared.
9. HF really started moving forward again when Chelsea decided to rejoin mid-1999 and took over being HF’s president.
10. Knowing HF was in good hands, Alyssa went back to her own game. Chelsea and Megan then worked together further revising HF’s rules, creating the HF Show Association and it’s guidelines, bringing a new and improved message board that was more user friendly, and heavily advertising. Chelsea has a great eye and ability for HTML and graphic design, so HF’s site was remade again, and better than ever. Members became very attracted and started joining.
11. With the newfound activity of enthused members, HF becomes much more alive and active. Megan founds the Gaited Horse Registry and the Dressage Association, making the HFDA the longest open and active association in HF.
12. Chelsea decides to name Megan vice-president and establishment approver of HF towards the end of 1999/beginning of 2000. The establishments approvals are eventually handed over to Kaitlyn in 2002.
13. In 2000, HF’s daughter game, Golden Horsehoes, experiences a fight and splits into two different games, Golden Horseshoes (GH) and Golden Horseshoes II (GHII). In 2002, GHII is renamed Equus (EQ). These events are important to HF later on.
14. Chelsea founds the HF Arabian Horse Association in 2000, the second longest running HF association. The first Arabian Nationals are held fall/winter of 2000, and the first Scottsdale in Spring of 2001. The AHA eventually becomes HF’s largest and most active association.
15. In fall of 2001, the ever popular point inherit system was introduced into HF. In this optional rule, foals were allowed to inherit a percentage of points from their sire and dam. You would add the parents points together then multiply it by five percent. If the sire or dam lived outside of HF, then you would multiply by three percent. For example: Storm has 500 points and Ginger has 400. Storm X Ginger=foal: 500+400=900*5%=45. The foal inherits 45 points. This did not last long in HF, as we found members began breeding horses together solely to inherit the most amount of points, rather than the quality, show record, or bloodlines of the horses. The rule was appealed in beginning/mid 2002.
16. February of 2002 finds the games Golden Horseshoes and Equus in trouble of closing down. Chelsea, still a member of EQ, proposed to merge GH and EQ back into HF, which was an active game with a healthy number of members. The combination would result in an even more active game and would benefit all involved. Approved, the merge was completed and members moved their herds, stables, and associations to HF. It was one of the best decisions made for HF.
17. In March of 2002, The Committee was founded by Megan. The Committee was a first for every SIM game in many aspects. It stands out above all other game’s humane associations in that it becomes almost a registry, where the horse is kept track of the rest of it’s life. Once a Committee horse, always a Committee horse. This prevents it from ever disappearing, even if a member quits and erases a horse’s page. It houses confiscated, donated, abused, overshown, neglected, and abandoned horses, and simply horses who are no longer able to say with their owner for whatever reason. The Committee is currently the only one of it’s kind throughout the SIM world.
18. After some discussion, HF’s mandatory registry system is revised in 2002. Horses were registered within the stable they lived at, including boarded horses. Each stable had its own initialed numbers so horses could be identified by their number alone where they live. For example, C&H Ranch’s Apollo would be given the number CH003. This system worked very well for a time, but there wasn’t a way for HF officials to monitor if people were abiding by HF creation and rules. It was again revised in 2003 and 2004 to what it is today.
19. During the 2002/2003 years, with the help of HF, Chelsea and Megan seriously revise the rules, regulations, HF title system, and more. HF receives a major facelift, making it more attractive than ever. We also subscribe to a new and better message board. At this time, member levels are introduced and revised upon in the next couple of years. If others were wondering how the point title system was compared to the way it is now, here is the old list. The points awarded for placing in shows have remained the same since HF opened.
Points – Title – Abbreviation
200-400 – Champion – CH
401-600 – Grand Champion – GC
601-800 – Continental Champion – CC
801-1,000 – Outstanding Champion – OC
1,001-1,500 – World Wide Champion – WWC
1,501-3,000 – Honor Book Champion – HBC
3,001-5,000 – Horses Forever Champion – HFC
5,000+ – Hall Of Fame – HOF
Revised system, in use today:
500 – Champion – Ch
1,000 – Grand Champion – GCh
1,750 – State Champion – SCh
3,000 – National Champion – NCh
5,000 – World Champion – WCh
7,500 – Honor Book Champion – HBCh
10,000+ – Hall Of Fame – HOF
20. December of 2002, HF excercises it’s banning rights for the first time. Zoe was banned from HF for repeated offenses to other members, blatent overshowing regardless of warnings, and neglect of her horses. Unless a serious offense has been committed, HF fairly gives an ample amount of warnings before the option of banning is considered.
21. December 2, 2002, a shocking blow was delivered to HF. The first horse to die within HF was Magnolia CH (HOF Topside X Lavander), owned by Sue. Tragedy struck Sue’s barn when a pack of wild dogs attacked poor Magnolia CH. Every vet in HF was brought in, but she couldn’t be saved. HF has never made “disasters” mandatory for HF members to experience, another point that sets us apart from other games.
22. In 2003, HOF Princess Kostalot (Cougar Rock X Pepsi), owned by Megan, becomes the first horse in HF to reach over 20,000 points. The same year, her son HOF Royal Star CH (HOF Impressive Star X HOF Princess Kostalot), also owned by Megan, at age five is the youngest horse to qualify for the Hall Of Fame title, over 10,000 points. HOF Princess Kostalot remains the highest pointed horse in HF.
23. HF introduces democracy. There are now five spots of administration, president, vice-president, and three cabinet members. Members of the administration are decided by an election voted on by HF’s members, with the exception of Chelsea, our president. Abbie takes over as establishment and show approver, and Sacha becomes co-president of The Committee and president of the mandatory registry.
24. The TBHA has been established, and now runs the Triple Crown races and qualifiers offically. The first instance of racehorse drugging in HF was seen in the Belmont. The classy chestnut colt Holy Charmer (Classical Charmer X Holy Belle), owned by Blkgold and now Amanda in All-Sim, was disqualified by the TBHA and tested by the local vet MegaQuines to be proven positive for performance enhancers.
25. July of 2004 found Equine Esteem closing due to lack of activity and member numbers. Many members gravitated back to HF, who welcomed them and their horses warmly. HF was growing by leaps and bounds at this time.
26. In 2005, the second horse to reach over 20,000 points was crowned with honor. HOF Prince Of Perfection CH (HOF Perfect Image X HOF Princess Kostalot), owned by Megan and son of HOF Perfect Image (you might remember him from point five), and half brother to HOF Royal Star CH. HOF Prince Of Perfection CH is currently the highest pointed stallion in HF ever.
27. In 2005 the AHA, which is now a massive association with an astronomical amount of horses, finds Ya Bint Al-Hawa++++// (*Desert Wind X *Windstreak), Mistral++++// (The Minstril X AK Fariha), WA Enchantment++++// (PR Dark Victory+ x *Taisoun), Scottish Fire WMA++++// (WA Scottish Light X *Silver Wind), WA Balance++++// (WA Scottish Light x Parker’s Succeeding Sister), and AAR Impossible Star++++// (Imperial Sunset x Star Dust), all owned by Chelsea, the highest AHA pointed horses in HF. Narym WMA+++ (DMA Diamoniqq X Pavielle), owned by Megan, is crowned the title of Legion of Supreme Merit at three years of age, the youngest Arabian ever to be awarded the title.
28. In 2005, HF introduces the idea of having a main association and sub-associations. This was done with the Thoroughbred Horse Association (TBHA), with the Thoroughbred Racing Association (TBRA) and Eclipse Awards as sub-associations. This was attempted before in 2004 with the TBHA and the Racing Association II (RCII), but it was made conclusive in 2005 with these three associations. Usually games allow as many associations and registries as members are willing to create, but HF has been able to organized ours into what makes the most sense.
29. In 2005, HOF Calbask (True Bask X Cala CH), owned by Alex at the time and shortly after, Allison, earns his Hall of Fame status. He now shares the HF record of being the youngest horse to attain this title with his great-uncle HOF Royal Star CH (HOF Impressive Star X HOF Princess Kostalot), at the mere age of five.
30. In the beginning of 2006, the AHA revises its rules and programs. The Sweepstakes program becomes organized, and the Futurity program is introduced.
31. Instances of double-playing and quitting only to join as a new member pop up in HF in April and May of 2006. This isn’t the first time this has happened in HF, but it is the first proveable time, thanks to our board (suscribed to in April of 2003) and it’s ability to display IP addresses. This is against HF rules, and does not go unnoticed by the administration.
32. The reins of The Committee are handed over from Sacha to Allison.
33. HF’s first association dedicated to the racing of Arabians and Stock horses only was opened by Ravette, called the Vario Racing Association. Since then, Stock and Arabian racing has gone from non-existent to quite popular, with enough activity to warrant a race a month. Early 2007 the VRA is broken up and Stock Racing becomes hosted by the Stock Horse Association and Arabian Racing becomes the Arabian Jockey Club, a subassociation of the Arabian Horse Association.
34. The lovely 2002 Morgan mare Tesa’s Black Shadow (Robbie Sue’s Ragtime Music X Shadow Mist) breaks the previous record of youngest horse awarded the Hall Of Fame title. She is a mere four years old (previous horses Royal Star CH and Calbask were five) and owned by Kara of Two Moon.
35. September 18, 2006, HF exercises its banning rights for the second time. A member who had been double playing under the names of Jessie/Jessy/Jessi/Akila/Reyna in April and May (who was suspended at the time for her actions) returned under the name of Alicia/Balance Ltd. Many similarities between all these “members” led the HF Board to believe it was the same person; our wonderful message board proved that it was through use of IP addresses. They were all the same, which means it is indeed the same person. In addition to double (or triple…) playing in HF, the girl also harrassed members, violated her suspension from HF, and broke stabling rules by opening a Mini-barn immediately.
36. December 11, 2006, Narym WMA++++ (DMA Diamoniqq X Pavielle), owned by Megan of C&H Ranch, is crowned the title of Legion of Masters at four years of age, the youngest Arabian ever to be awarded the title.
37. March of 2007, HF’s first Zorse is born. Barcode CH (Spots ‘N Stripes Zander X *Marsellina Nurey CH), owned by Megan of C&H Ranch, is a beautiful bay Zebra/Arabian gelding with stripes superimposed on his hide. He is speedaged to 2004.
38. In honor of Kaitlyn reaching over 5,000 posts on our board, Chelsea changed the posting levels and star colors on May 6, 2007. After 5,000 posts, a member is now a “Rose Garland” with five blue stars. Kaitlyn was the second to reach this level; Sacha, who runs the mandatory registry, was the first.
39. HF reaches the milestone of ten years in existance. In honor of a decade of excellence, a week-long “party” is held in July 2007. Simmers from all over are invited to attend, raffles and shows are held, games are played, and more.
40. Another HF milestone is reached. On February 27, 2008 the 10,001th topic is posted on HF’s forum by Chelsea. Not too many games can boast that!
41. Starting in 2010, forums become a much more common part of HF. The HF Forum becomes the main hub for many of the game’s functions, including the eventual home to the Mandatory Registry & The Committee. The Forum makes everything much more accessible to everyone in the game.
42. In 2013, members Nathalie & Amanda celebrate their tenth anniversary of being members of Horses Forever! Two holidays are established for them. January 26th is proclaimed Blackthorn Farm Day, while December 10th is named New Harvest Arabians Day! These holidays will be held every year in HF.

The game moves on…what will be brought to HF in the future?