
Overview and HF Changes

HF has set guidelines regarding the elections, so members of HF know what to expect and will altogether be happier with the administration. We have always believed that the less rules the better, but this is not something else that people would have to follow by; these are rules that affect the administration and the representation.

In the past, we decided it was time for a change to fully represent the general population, as we are a democratic game. We also believe that an election will support a general difference in attitude throughout the population in regards to the officers and their positions. Listed below are the changes and the election process.

Elections will be held every two years, starting in 2008. This decision results in a more fair system and minimizing the chance for hurt feelings from officers and members; elections happen every two years no matter what, and all positions (save the president’s) are opened up. Elections and election results will be announced on the forum.

General Officer Position Information

  • Five positions in office will be maintained at all times. An odd number allows for no tying in an officer decision, and five is an ample amount for many ideas and perspectives to come together for the best possible decision.
  • Full officer elections will be held every two years. All four officer positions, excluding the presidential position, will be open for replacement or reelection. Holding elections every two years is to allow new ideas to be introduced and enough of a time frame for an officer to prove they are doing a good job or decide the office is not for them.
  • There is no cap on how many years an officer can serve. If they are continually reelected, or reelected after being out of officer for a time, it is representation of HF’s wishes and will not be restricted.
  • Members who have been suspended or banned in the past are not eligible for the officer position.
  • Total elections of four positions will be conducted each election. This will keep the most active members in office, as well as give fresh ideas and energies to the administration.
  • If an officer decides they are not fit for office in the term of their service, or if extenuating circumstances doesn’t allow them to continue their term, a single election will be held.

About the Election

Elections will be held in a set process that involves first nominations and then popular vote from eight nominated members.

  • Nominees are NOT allowed to advertise or campaign themselves. They ARE allowed to write a blurb sent to the officer running the election that will be used in the election voting forum upon nomination notification.
  • If a member declines the opportunity to be an officer, the next nominee on the list with the highest points will be selected and contacted.
  • In the case of a nomination tie, both officers will be included.
  • In the case of a final voting tie, the tied nominees will all be included in the re-vote for fairness.
  • Nominees are not allowed to vote for themselves in the final election, but you are allowed to nominate yourself.
  • PM to the election organizing officer will be the only valid nominations/votes counted. A form or forum poll cannot be used as the organizing officer will need to determine whether or not members are voting for themselves in the final election.
  • A forum poll can be used in the final voting or the event of a final election tie vote, especially in the case of questioned honesty and fairness. If a forum poll is used, the poll results must be locked until after the last voting day and only then will members be allowed to see the results.
  • Elections will generally be held in the summer time, as the process takes a couple of months and the summer is when HF’s members are usually the most active.

Primary Nomination Process

Participation in the election process is not required for HF members, but it is definitely helpful. We would like the administration to represent HF’s general opinion as much as possible so that HF matters can be taken care of with the maximum representation. Your nominations and votes DO MATTER.

If you would like to participate in the officer nominations, here are the following guidelines:
Remember, you can nominate yourself.

1. Nominations include up to five slots. You do not have to fill each slot, but it is recommended. You can PM the organizing officer with your nominations in vertical order like this:
Member 1
Member 2
Member 3
Member 4
Member 5

2. The organizing officer will total up the nominations. The eight members with the highest nominations will be contacted and asked if they would like to be officers. At that time they are given the option to create a blurb about themselves and why they believe they should be an officer. This is the extent of the advertising they are allowed to do. If the members say yes, their blurb is posted in the final voting form where members pick their choices for the officer positions.

Voting and Final Election Process

Obviously participation in the election process is not required for HF members, but it is definitely helpful. We would like the administration to represent HF’s general opinion as much as possible so that HF matters can be taken care of with the maximum representation. Your votes DO MATTER.

1. At this point, the nominees are introduced and their autobiographical blurbs are posted for review by all members. 
2. Nominees are listed vertically. 
3. Final votes include up to four slots. You do not have to fill each slot, but it is recommended. Note – you CANNOT vote for yourself.
You can PM the organzing officer with your nominations in vertical order like this:
Member 1
Member 2
Member 3
Member 4
4. The organizing officer will total up the votes. The four members with the highest votes will be the new officers. 
5. In the event of a tie in the final voting, a second vote would be held between the tied members AND the remaining nominees who were not elected.